
Little Brother

It's been widely publicized about the plethora of cameras (tens of thousands of closed circuit cameras blanket London and feed to central government automated and manual monitoring) but I tell you this: it does feel definatively creepy to feel these cameras swiveling around atop their several story perch refocusing like a robot zooming in on motion watching you. In addition to the cameras which cover some 80% of public space in downtown London, there are signs posted everywhere alerting the public to the fact that monitoring is happening, and otherwise alerting the public to watch your neighbor and report suspiscious behaviour. Traffic downtown London is taxed, and the cameras capture all license plates to run through computers and ensure payment for road tax has been paid. I wonder what databases I live in now that I've run around London for two days taking pictures at every available opportunity... It's an interesting read on Wikipedia on closed circuit cameras and monitoring and the history of the UK Data Protection Act (