
Sunburned and Smiling

True to it's reputation, Costa Rica is proving to us it's abundance of wildlife. We lounged around town yesterday evening, woke early to head out on a snorkeling trip to Tortuga Isle. Besides the tropical fish we saw underwater, we also saw a pair of dolphins, a (probably grey) whale, pelicans and myriad other water fowl, one member of our boat got stung by a jellyfish, we saw sea-rays, small 1 cm long fish that swam in schools of literally thousands and lept from the water in unision, a flying fish, and we're under constant assault from insects and bugs of all sort basically everywhere we go. Oh and there was a "wild" boar that wandered around the lunch tables letting people pet it and bury it in the sand. On the snorkeling trip we met cool people from Majorca, Barcelona, Manhattan and Toronto. Tonight we're scouting New Year's Eve parties and laying low... we're all sunburnt and starting to tire - tomorrow we're scheduled to wake up slow, eat a big breakfast, and if we can find them rent 4 wheel ATV's and trapse through the jungle for a few hours... hasta la manana and Feliz Ano Nuevo!