
AFM Race One - Buttonwillow

One of my friends called me on failing to show up in the race results of the AFM Buttonwillow round, so I guess someone does actually read this blog and I owe and update! Ha, ha. I got there successfully and got my bike race prepped including the swap to aluminum wheels and getting the bike safety wired correctly. I did successfully complete a rearset swap in the Motel 6 parking lot at midnight the evening before by the light of headlamp (yes, track are in the middle of nowhere and nice hotels are nonexistant). I passed tech and got my gear checked out. I got the required AMB timer. I got through two practice sessions with success then did some practice race starts. That's where the plan went awry. See 1000cc bikes are probably a little too much for the OEM clutch to handle - but I didn't really know this. I was zipping up and down the hot pit lane practicing starts from 10,000 RPM and dropping the clutch to wheelie - then lifting the rear tire off the asphalt at the other end jamming on the front brake in a stoppie. I think I did this about five times before my clutch decided it was done. So, sadly with no clutch I was not able to line up on the grid and even start the race. I was assigned my grid position (in the back) and came so close! Oh well, guess I'll have to make Infineon race number two my first official outing. Meanwhile here's a picture of my dead clutch and me trying to replace it in my garage (I'm way over my head here).