
Inspirational Motorcycle Quotes

I sent a quick text message to a few motorcycle buddies this afternoon, and was overwhelmed with the ridiculousness of the replies so I had to make mention of it here.  Josh Hayes is a pro racer in AMA's American Superbike class.  He's doing testing today at the track I will race on April 24th, Infineon Raceway.  He turned a 1:36 lap, which is 15 seconds faster than my best ever.  :15 may not sound like much, but in a game of inches it's some 15% faster than me.  This means in a six lap race he would lap me.  Most pro races are 18 or 24 laps, so in fact during one normal race he would lap me three or four times.

So I asked my friends, "How does Hayes do a 1:36 at Infineon?"

Here are the unedited replies:

"I just read that in SOUP crazy right?  And Aquino on a 600 in 39s.  Call on his best day does maybe 39s" - BG  (this particular friend obviously also races)
"Ask not how Gods do" - CD
"Balls, a hell of a lot of cardio, and a factory ride he doesn't have to worry about binning" - BM
"Stay on the throttle until you see God, then brake and turn in" - DK

... anyway some inspirational words to live by across the board.