
Quitting Your Mailbox

Much to the amusement of my creditors, I maintain a virtual Post Office Box in another state that has no physical mailbox attached to it. This is a service I pay for (about $5/month...) that receives my hard copy mail for me, scans it into an account I can view online, and I can click to make payments. Where e-payment can't be set up, they will print a physical check and mail it out to creditors. Besides the security advantages of using a different billing zip code from my physical address that is semi-secret, and the security advantages of not having to shred all the sensitive mail that comes to my USPS mailbox, there is a significant time and headache saving to not having mail show up at my house any longer! I've used this service for maybe ten years after getting turned on to it by a friend, and it's still the best $5 I spend every month. Also, having just moved... there were surprisingly few monthly statements I had to migrate addresses for (and most of those I was able to perform a quick five minute online address update for).